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Size Chart

Size guide

Bra sizes are determined by two parameters: Band Size and Cup Size


 How to choose the correct bra size?


1. Band Size

First, use a measuring tape just get your circumference just below your bust. It should be done on an exhale. The number should be
rounded down (eg. 82cm ≈80)

2. Cup Size

Your cup size can be determined by the difference between your Band Size, and the circumference at the bust level. The differences represent:


    12 cm → A cup

     14 cm → B cup

     16 cm → C cup

      18 cm → D cup

     20 cm → E cup

     22 cm → F cup

      24 cm → G cup

      26 cm → H cup


3. Sister Sizes

If the Band Size is too tight, but the Cup Size fits well: increase the Band Size and decrease Cup Size by 1 (one).

For example: If the bra sized 75D is too tight, next choice would be to try on 80C. This way it will be looser, retaining the same cup size.


If the bra is too loose, but the cup fits well: choose a smaller Band Size but a larger Cup Size.

For example: If the bra sized 75D is too loose, next choice would be to try on 70E. This way it will be tighter, retaining the same cup size.





How to tell if the bra is badly matched?



1. Clasp at the back lifts up.

The back of the bra should be a straight horizontal line. If the clasp goes up, it means that most of the bust weight is supported by the shoulder straps, and our Bust Size is too big.


2. Band Size is too small.

If the movement is limited, and we can't fully inhale, the Band Size is too small.


3. Breasts don't fill the cup.

The should be no empty spaces inside the bra. If there are any, it is recommended to lower the cup size.


4. Edge of the cup puts too much pressure on the breasts.

Jeśli nasze piersi nienaturalnie wystają nad miseczki, tworząc tzw. efekt bułek, oznacza to, że rozmiar miseczek jest źle dobrany i trzeba wybrać większy.

Your breasts shouldn't fall out of the bra. If such a thing happens, you should choose a bigger Cup Size.


Size Chart:

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